Anima service information

We want to announce that from Monday 1st January 2025, Nene Valley Surgery will be moving to a Total Triage System to ensure that patients are seen by the right person, at the right time, and for the right reason.

All appointment requests will now be submitted online via Anima between 07:30 and 13:30. Requests will be responded to and triaged on the same day by our most senior clinicians.

If you are considered a vulnerable patient, we will reach out to assist you.

We will be running drop-in sessions every Friday from 1st November 2024 between 1 pm and 2 pm to help patients set up and use Anima.

Sign up to use the new service.

Anima is a communication platform that allows you to seek care from Nene Valley Surgery. When you have an issue that you want to contact your GP about, you can use Anima to submit your request online. It is integrated into your medical record and in the NHS App, so you can quickly submit a request by answering a few questions and get a timely response which you can see in real-time by using your account.

Anima allows our clinical triage team to continue to improve access times by helping us to direct you to the most appropriate care for your medical needs. This ensures we make use of our limited resources in the most safe and efficient way. Don’t worry, all appointments will continue to be offered according to clinical urgency and need. Your request will be handled in the same manner whether you complete the Anima request online yourself, or contact us via telephone, where our receptionists will ask the same questions to ensure equity of access for all patients.

We would encourage all patients who can do so to use Anima, as this will prevent you needing to queue on the telephone and keep lines free for those who do not have internet access. Completing an Anima request yourself also provides you with more discretion should you prefer not to discuss your medical problem with one of our receptionists.

We would like to ask for your patience whilst we change to Anima as we are aware that introducing any new system may have some teething troubles, however we are not anticipating any disruption.

We are really excited about this change and the benefits it will bring to all our patients and staff.

As a patient you will benefit from:

- Being able to log on to see the status and outcomes of your current and past requests.
- You will be asked questions based on your issues (asked without medical jargon)
- You can use the system in a number of languages.
- Your medical records will be more complete for the future.
- The practice responses will be clearer.
- You will receive a text message, a push notification and email to let you know when the practice has responded (no more missing emails in the junk box).
- You can provide all the information that the practice needs without waiting on the phone.

Watch a short video that shows you how to sign up to use Anima

Watch a short video to see how you can submit a request to Anima

Date published: 25th October, 2024
Date last updated: 25th October, 2024